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Ways to Study the Modes

It's really important to practice the modes in a way that helps you learn the sounds of each. Paying C Major and then D Dorian will still sound like C Major. Play C Major and then C Dorian and hear the difference!


右手演奏不同的Modes,例如Dorian的聲音, 是major scale降3音降7音(bE, bB),你也可以想成C是二級,
所以往下推就是Bbmajor scale.



Stable Mates by Tony Miceli

So I've been practicing the tune Stablemates over the last week or so. It's an incredible tune and great to work on with solo playing.

I work on the head, the changes, I'll mess around with different keys (this was a 12 key tune for me a while back).

I'll record 20,30,40 or more solo versions of the tune. I'll listen back after I take a take. Analyze and work on things. It's amazing what you learn about yourself concerning time, phrasing and soloing.

Just for Fun

Here is the rarely told story of my first band. It began as a solo venture, playing unaccompanied pieces on marimba and vibes. Soon I decided to add a pianist, a sort of preview of my duets with Chick Corea, which would come along later on down the road. Next came the need for a bass player, followed by the addition of trombone, clarinet, trumpet, and drums. Not exactly the most logical instrumentation, you’re probably thinking. But, when you only have one brother and one sister, plus two parents, you make do with what you have.

Open and Closed Voicings - Audio

Here's a very important exercise to help with chord voicings. Don't skimp on this one. Spend months on this!!

Chienese translation for Chinese Students

開離密集和弦練習(open and closed voicing)



原位F,A,C,E. 然後只把A這個音移到高八度,得到F,C,E,A和弦。
第一轉位A,C,E,F, 然後只把C這個音移到高八度,得到A,E,F,C和弦。
速度要慢慢開始,重點是節拍器開起來,照著節奏打(play in time)。

The Modes In Detail - Locrian

Locrian the crazy scale! The 7th scale degree of the major scale.


Chinese translation for Chinese students

如果拿Locrian 音階和大調(major)音階來比較,Locrian音階多了降2降3降5降6降7音。


單單只打這個音階覺得沒有被解決,所以通常用在minor7b5- dominant7b9,

例如Cminor7b5- Fdominant7b9 - Bbminor7

Locrian 是比較難的音階,可以練習在不同調式之間轉換,熟悉不同調式音階的聲音。

The Modes in Detail - Mixolydian

The mixolydian scale is the major scale with a flat 7. It's a very distinct sound, you've heard it all over the place.


Chinese Translation for Chinese students

All Blues 這首曲子都是用到Mixolydian 的聲音。

Latin music 中也很常用到Mixolydian 的聲音。



如果和弦記號有降九音,也不能用到Mixolydian音階。要是九音(Natural 9th)才適用Mixolydian音階。

The Modes In Detail - Lydian

Sharp the 4!

Chinese Translation for Chinese students

如果拿Lydian 音階和大調(major)音階來比較,Lydian音階多了升4音。


如果是四級大調和弦,通常會用到Lydian(因為Major #11)

例如Gmajor-Cmajor, C是G的四級,所以聲響上面還是都以G調為基礎,所以這邊的C就可以用到聲四音(#F)

The Modes in Detail - Phrygian

The phrygian scale is pretty cool because it has a minor 2nd between the root and the second scale degree. That gives it a very exotic sound!

Chinese translation for Chinese student.

如果拿Phrygian 音階和大調(major)音階來比較,Phrygian音階多了降2降3降6降7音。


這個C為開頭音的Phrygian順階和弦,第一個和弦為Cminor 第二個和弦為Dbmajor



通常在小調中會用到Phrygian,但是跟Dorian, Aeolian比,Phrygian最少用到。

The Modes In Detail - Dorian

Dorian is the mode that starts on the second scale degree of the major scale. So in the key of C play D to D.
Chinese Translation for Chinese students.
Dorian和 Ionian 的不同是,Dorian 降3音降7音
Dorian是最常在爵士樂中在小調和弦(Minor chord)中用到調式。II-V-I的和聲進行,II級幾乎都是用到Dorian。