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VibesWorkshop people!! This Wednesday, November 14 the Millersville University Percussion Ensemble will premiere Tony's composition "WEISS GUY" dedicated to Steve Weiss. Through many rehearsals, rewrites, and student input I think the piece is in a pretty cool place. It certainly showcases Tony as a soloist and has plenty of very hip ensemble moments. It has been a pleasure working with Tony on this venture and the kids have certainly gained a considerable amount from the experience. If you are in the area and can make it out please do, you will not be disappointed!!

featuring the Millersville University Percussion Ensemble (James Armstrong, director)
special guest vibraphone artist TONY MICELI.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Millersville University Visual and Performing Arts Center

This event will feature vibraphone virtuoso Tony Miceli performing with the MU Percussion Ensemble and as soloist. The MU Percussion Ensemble will also present an array of quality percussion ensemble literature on this special concert. Mr. Miceli will present a masterclass on jazz vibraphone and improvisation during his brief residency in the Music Department.


Marie-Noëlle Wed, 11/14/2012 - 12:16

No comment yet on this post?!! But the event is tonight!! I had no idea about all this!! Anyone planning to attend?

Go Tony!! :o)

tonymiceli Thu, 11/15/2012 - 10:05

In reply to by Marie-Noëlle

it was fun and cool. and now i have my first percussion piece. it needs some work to finish it. and i'll do it, and then i'm on to my next piece. my goal being to write percussion pieces and some small marimba vibe pieces and marimba vibes and small percussion.

my thanks to james armstrong who has really given me a ton of good advice here. he's a co write of the piece now because of all he's contributed.
