12 July 2010
As for parking, Harvey says:
If they are staying in the dorms, they can leave their cars for free in a lot near the dorms. If they want drive to the music bldg each day, they will have to pay to put it in the garage. Harvey
goldwing Mon, 07/12/2010 - 14:52
Tony - Harvey:
How far is it from the dorms to the music building???
Ed De Gennaro
you can walk
tonymiceli Wed, 07/14/2010 - 07:53
In reply to parking by goldwing
def can walk. that's what harvey said.
as i remember parking was very cheap in the lot. maybe (i have to check), like 4 bucks a day?
Tony Miceli (new)
s k y p e: tjazzvibe
jimmiew Sun, 07/18/2010 - 14:16
In reply to parking by goldwing
If you can, bikes are ALWAYS a good thing on college campuses that are somewhat spread out.
Can I walk to the building
toddc Tue, 07/13/2010 - 15:38
Can I walk to the building from the dorms?
Todd Canedy
Don't stop asking until you understand. Once you understand constantly confirm it.