This is a recording from my first gig at Coffy's Cafe but second date there.
Coffy said we can play every Wednesday Evening so I took the gig.
I'm playing with a Bulgarian friend of mine Harry Tonchev on guitar. He's a young kid, is a total Bereli freak and plays great.
We had a guitar & drum duo for a while but had a hard time finding work for it. What a surprise... anyway ....
On this evening I forgot the music so we played by memory. (Wprk has been plastering me lately)
This is our attempt at Steve Wonder's tune "Isn't she Lovely".
I changed the key to Bb because comping sounds better in the lower end of my milk bottle vibe.
And I was not planning on playing the melody but Harry suggested I do it. Hey what have I got to lose?
Hope you enjoy it. I love playing....
Wasn't that lovely?
DrBobM55 Sat, 10/16/2010 - 17:27
Good job Todd. I can hear the fruits of your labor. I'm very happy for you that you've got a gig to keep your mallets moving. Keep going. Bob Wesner
Oh yeah!
Marie-Noëlle Sat, 10/16/2010 - 18:13
This is great! So glad you made it! Keep going!
Thanks for posting!
- M
Cool Todd
DanaSud Sun, 10/17/2010 - 12:22
That sounded good. I love playing that tune!
In the steel drum band I play in we always do that as a funk feel. The pan player just stretches out the melody a bit. Of course we keep the triplets at the end of the form.
Milt Jackson recorded a really great version of that on "Soul Fusion" w/Monty Alexander (A must have record IMHO).
I know I'm going to get
toddc Mon, 10/18/2010 - 17:41
In reply to Cool Todd by DanaSud
I know I'm going to get plastered for this but here goes anyway.
For me... Milts phrasing on this tune is .... wanting?.... I feel bad saying that.
But its how I felt when listening. I would not emulate this. At least not on purpose.
I think its just a style crossover mash thing that doesn't really work.
No disrespect meant to Milt Jackson or those who like this of course.
But I'd be interested in how others feel about it.
Maybe I'm not alone on this?????
It's possible that Milt
DrBobM55 Mon, 10/18/2010 - 21:31
In reply to I know I'm going to get by toddc
It's possible that Milt didn't care for the tune and you heard that in his playing. Musicians don't like each piece they play equally. Quite the contrary, think of your own preferences. Milt might have been obligated to play that tune because of its immense popularity. Your ears might be tuned in so that you can hear the attitude of the player. Bob Wesner
cool todd
tonymiceli Tue, 10/19/2010 - 02:21
you got something. i hear it here and i hear it in your funk piece.
Thanks Tony! Let's hope we
toddc Tue, 10/19/2010 - 21:17
In reply to cool todd by tonymiceli
Thanks Tony!
Let's hope we find out what it is before somebody gets hurt :)