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Innovative Percussion DF30L Mallets Very Good condition! $39.99 Including Shipping! OBO! DAVID FRIEDMAN / LIGHT VIBRAPHONE MALLETS - IVORY YARN/LIGHT BLUE TAPE - RATTAN
7 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
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This is up on the site somewhere I'm sure. But since we're studying Minority I thought I'd repost. It's me playing with me. Check out the black hair! This site has given me gray hair!! :-)
7 years 5 months ago - 1 comments
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Practicing at home. Spontaneous version of the classic "Somewhere over the Rainbow" written in 1939 by Harold Arlen for The Wizard of Oz.
7 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
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Hi Tony, this one's for you. I had a few minutes today before I started teaching at school. It's what you call a quick down and dirty video. Ha!Ha!
7 years 5 months ago - 3 comments
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Whenever I shoot lessons, I shoot myself playing tunes hoping they are good enough to post! Sometimes they are not! :-(
7 years 5 months ago - 7 comments
Content type: Video Upload
Chinese translation for Chinese students. 今天我們要講的是minority 自己創造出ii-v-i 小樂句(lick),是一個裡面有V dominent 13音的lick, 定下速度打,你可以從中學到很多,你也會記住minor9音, dominent 13音的聲音 改節奏、加上一些音,轉調(放到每個調裡面練練) Rootless13b9和弦(沒有根音的屬和絃,加上9音和13音) 例如F713b9: 組成音為A(3音), D(…
7 years 3 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Blog entry
As many of you know, I use tunes not only to have fun playing over but also to learn about harmony, work on chops and time. Why not, as improvisers we can make up an etude on the spot. And as you get better as an improviser you can make…
7 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Video Upload
Chinese translation for Chinese students Tony 演奏整首曲子。 如果你不知道旋律, 先學會旋律再來看這支影片。 唯一的Altered chord 在最後一個小節C7alt(C,Ab, E, C)。 2分38秒,Tony 演奏 C key. 轉到不同的調上,可以只打bass你也能聽到整首曲子的全貌, 另外試著轉到不同的調,然後簡單的solo就好。
7 years 4 months ago - 0 comments
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Chinese translation for Chinese students 把我們上一堂課教的 I minor9 - ii minor9 - V dominant13b9, 這堂課要加上旋律。 旋律都是在最高音聲部, 例如G調: Gminor9 (旋律是Gmajor音階)- Aminor9 -D13b9 - Gminor9 (旋律是五聲音階) *把這些東西練好之後,可以再延伸練很多東西,你可以只把一小部分的和聲進行拿出來,做成練習曲練習。 *Tony 演奏: 57秒…
7 years 3 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Blog entry
I ran across the paper paper attached (2002) about Milt Jackson a couple days ago. It has some great examples of Milt's playing written out, as well as some dialog regarding his approach to soloing, and his musical career. Is this…
7 years 5 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Audio Player
7 years 5 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Blog entry
So here's a way we can pay tribute to Gary. Consider this his retirement card. In the comments, post whatever you want. Play for him, talk about him, post anything. If you have a photo of you and him, send it to me and I'll post it under…
7 years 5 months ago - 14 comments
Content type: Forum topic
I have to say, after listening to Alexey's vids on YouTube, I'm loving his playing! All different styles and full of "class"!
7 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Video Upload
Chinese translation for Chinese students. Tony把這首曲子分成三個部分,這裡我們會學到第一部分。 (先不要去看Leadsheet,直接練練看以下的和聲進行) 以下是這首曲子和聲進行: Cminor9 - Dminor9 - G13b9 (F Ab B E) 常常見到的和聲進行是 Cminor9 - Dminor9b5 - G13b9 但是這首曲子比較特別,是接到2級minor9,而不是minor9b5 。 *放到不同調裡面練習…
7 years 3 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Blog entry
I think we might have done this tune before. But I thought we should revisit it. It's perfect and no matter what level you are at, if you really study this tune a bit, you will learn quite a bit about harmony and what's happening. It's a…
7 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Book page
Here is a look at the tune Minority.
7 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
Scales part 3
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A little intro into modes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chinese translation for chinese students 要聽到大調major和Dorian音階的差別,重點就在,一定要建立在同一個根音上,才聽得出來音階色彩的差別。
7 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Forum topic
Hello, I'm considering to purchase a Musser M55 (or decent alternative) in Belgium / Europe. As i'm surfing around, there's quite a difference in price from dealer to dealer. Can anyone give me some good advice about a reliable dealer with…
7 years 5 months ago - 5 comments
Content type: Video Embed
The Nearness of You - listening to the great and one of a kind pianist Art Tatum today on the drive into Boston. Still unbelievable every time I listen to him. Working on the left hand and the straight four to the bar feel on this classic…
7 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Video Embed
The PDF is a transcription of the Barry Harris video. There is also Chinese explanations! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chinese translation is for Chinese students…
7 years 3 months ago - 12 comments
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7 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
4-Mallet Pieces
Content type: Blog entry
Does anyone have recommendations for 4-mallet pieces of grad school level? Anything that's common in auditions or that's just good music? I'm working on a Bach cello suite that's nice for 2 mallets, but I'd like something that…
7 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
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7 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
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Thanks to Mark Cochran
7 years 5 months ago - 2 comments
4 Spoons
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7 years 5 months ago - 2 comments
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