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I remember joe talking to us about Vincent Herring. You guys remember that. I do think it's hard to keep up with players now, there are not as many clubs any more.

This part is up to you guys

Ok so the classroom is here. it's just a question of what we want to do with it. which could be nothing if everyone is busy.

but it's here.

if you want to make some goals and things to do we can. then you guys could record the assignments and post things.

i'll post the first assignment and we can see where everyone is at:


Let's Sum Up the Workshop

FIRST OF ALL HERE'S AN IMPORTANT TIP: Make sure you click on the link and you're in the virtual classroom.

Next when you post something instead of choosing where you usually post which is up clicking on the word post, NOW you will look down on the left and see the classroom and under that you will see all the 'create' links. Usually you'll just use 'CREATE STORY' and post. that will keep the post in the classroom.

Why don't we each talk about the highlights from the workshop. This is help others remember things maybe they set aside or have forgotten.

End of the Month

Hey guys,

I'm a real believer of setting goals. They at least tell you if you're on track or off track. I think it's ok to be either of them, but the thing that's important is that you know whether you're on track or off track.

Stride Etude

I posted this etude. (See Check this out).

I put a link to it above so if you reply to this page it will keep it in the classroom.

Check out the etude. We talked about this in the workshop.

In other words if you come back to this page and post comments it's just in the classroom and private to us.

Your First Lesson

didn't i give you a bunch of things to work on? i don't see them.

friedman dampening and pedaling.

and lets do this. pick a tune that you know really well. memorized. play it for a few days and then let's do a skype lesson and talk about the tune. i'll show you how i think of the harmony.

cool? get the friedman book.

Here you go

Here's your private section. Let me know you're in. in this section you post by looking on the left side bar and you'll see andrew nitolli private lesson. click there to create content. DON'T do it the usual way.

also under access choose 'full access' and 'private lessons' with your posts if you want to keep them private.

This Week

Hey Tony,

Thanks for fixing the video for me. Just wondering what your schedule was like this week, thought maybe we could get together later in the week and talk more about Stella. Talk to you soon! Great vibes hang yesterday!


Assignment Due Date