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Harmonic Minor lesson

Here's a short video of me talking about a few different basic harmonic minor ideas and tonalities. I talk about the scale, go over the chord definitions and chord scales/voicings, and then spend a little time on a short loop play-along that's attached below!

The play-along is really just a ii-V-i loop in C harmonic minor, there are a few passing chords thrown in.

I remember April

I realise there'a already a video of mine on "Recent Activity", but I just saw that "I remember April" is the tune of the month, so, since I have quite a bit of free time at the moment....don't we all? OK..Tony doesn't.....He's teaching quite a bit..good for him and great for his students! Anyway, since I do have time I thought I'd record a semi-latin version of the tune. The sound isn't mike on the vibes and one on the piano...I figured the times we're living in don't necessarily call for perfection...So it's raw and that's cool for me.

Impro con Pentatónicas Mayores (Autumn Leaves)

Sobre un coro de Autumn leaves, armé este solo aplicando siempre escalas pentatonicas mayores.
Por ejemplo: En los acordes dominantes utilizé la b5P (es decir Ab para el D7, o F para el B7b9), en el caso de los -7b5 utilizé la b6p (es decir D para el Fa#-7b5) y así...
Siempre buscando que en la escala elegidas se escuchen tensiones de esos acordes.

I Remember April Study - With Your Notation Program

So here's the deal.

I have a Sibelius file and a midi file and an xml file. So there's a way to use this with any notation file or even DAW that you have.

I put down chord tones on the beat. You fill in the off beats with notes from the scale (the rests).

Make musical sense. Half step below is fine. Half above has to be in the scale.
Listen to it and make changes to make it sound as good as you can. it won't sound super great but parts of it you will like and you can play. I recommend playing the whole solo.

Au Privave

Have been working on this tune for a few weeks and its a transcription of the sax and trumpet solos, managed to nail most of it except two bars of Charlie's solo where its a lot of notes at a very fast speed so forgive my attempt even though I put a lot of hours into this section in particular. I am playing drums as well just added a bass line. Anyway hope you like it and as always comments welcome.