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I've been neglecting the pan lately so I thought I would run through some tunes. It is pretty much in need of a tuning- do you notice it? I don't want to play it out anywhere until I get it tuned and I'm really broke. Tuning these is expensive.

When we come together Sh** happens.

Sorry for getting on a soap box here. but....…

692 reads in a few days and 79 comments.
Look what happens when we all come together. The world is a better place in a small way. And that counts a lot. I always thought if I was nice to a stranger that I started a chain reaction of nice and if I was mean to a stranger I started a chain reacting of mean. 692 reads, I think we did some nice.

Astrud - Dimitris Angelakis & the Delaware Steel band (tour in Greece)


So, Harvey was in Greece for a week to participate to 2012 ISME conference Thessaloniki before the workshop and we had great time. The delaware steel is really amazing. I remember when we were going to rehearse and I started to set up the vibes to play with them I just stopped and listen to them. It was awesome!!! Never heard a band like this before. I would like to thanks Harvey Price for giving me the opportunity to play with this great band. Below is the tune Astrud we played on the national conservatory of Thessaloniki (Greece) and it was a part of a workshop concert.

Pair of AKG c-414 mics for sale

I've got 2 high quality mics for sale. These AKG c-414s are excellent for studio recording or amplification on a gig. They are large diaphragm condenser mics that recording engineers have used and trusted for years.

This mic has 4 settings - cardioid, hyper cardioid, omni, and figure 8. It has 2 roll-off settings for low frequences of 75 hz or 100hz. You can also reduce the sensivity by 10 or 20 db. Both come with windscreen, mic stand adapter, case, and user manual.


I'm reading Marc Levin's book on theory and then also his one on voicings. He's a pretty hip cat! Here's a quote from his book:

Scales are the alphabet, not poetry, of music. You need to know the alphabet, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and so on before you can write words, sentences, and ultimately poetry.