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Chordal Playing Rev. - Part 1

Here is a lesson with an etude. I use the tune Green Dolphin Street and I play a chordal solo. There's very little that monophonic here. I tried to hit always with 2,3 or 4 mallets. 

I played a few choruses of Green Dolphin Street and transcibed it. 

I also talk about little bit about this series. I will continue it by doing a video for each of the technical ways I am doing this. 


Check out the transcription below.

Turn Out The Stars - Study Pack

This is video, audio and a pdf all with etudes for the tune Turn Out The Stars by Bill Evans. 

It's a complicated tune, but I always think even the complicated tunes spell all the harmony out. It all makes sense musicially. 

Here are the videos: 




Attached is the pdf file with all the transcriptions of the videos and more. There is a pdf of all the scales from the tune and an mp3 to hear all the scales. You should hear the tune, which means. at the very least if you stay inside the scales we should hear the tune even if you're monophone.