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The 2 Methods of Moving Chords Around (AKA "planing")

Hello everyone,

Here's another lesson about voicings. The common theme of all these recent lessons is trying to extrapolate as many different possible voicings as we can out of a sing idea. You take any four notes, and you can do all these things we've talked about so far:

-add extensions
-alter notes
-invert the chord
-use drop 2s, drop 3s, drop 2+3s, etc.

And now we'll add planing to the list! This is when you move a chord through a scale, or just move it chromatically.

Altered scale strategies (part 2) -V

In this video I'll cover different strategies and approaches for creating coherent lines with the altered scale.
If you haven't done please make sure to watch first the part 1
Hope you can get something helpful out of this lesson.

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The 3 Types of Spread Voicings Lesson: Drop 2, Drop 3, and Drop 2+3

Hello everyone,

In the last lesson, I explained how to methodically go through all possible extensions for a chord, and, in this one, we will look at the different options for rearranging those notes. You can use inversions, and spread techniques, including drop-2, drop-3, and drop-2+3.