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Chord Melody 2018-2019 - Conception

This is a difficult one.

Again I left the chords out. Get the real book out and write in the changes so you in some small way begin to think about the harmony. Look at the notes and enter the chords.

Can you see the different keys this goes through? Thanks to Bach and the Well Tempered system of tuning, or I think this tune would sound terrible in Midieval tuning! :-).

Play it slowly and work it up.

"Spring" - a vibraphone dampening etude

Here’s a brief clip of a dampening etude for the vibraphone titled “Spring” that I just finished composing. The piece features chordal playing along with the dampened stepwise movement of one of the four voices. This will be included in a new book that I began working on a few weeks ago. The book will focus on dampening and pedaling for the vibraphone. I have also been working on a book for solo vibraphone playing. Both topics definitely go hand in hand but I wanted to cover in depth the dampening/pedaling aspect of playing the vibraphone.

Chord Melody 2018-2019 - The Days of Wine And Roses

Here’s the Days of Wine and Roses chord melody.

I’ll give my new solo cd to the first 2 people who do the following.

1. Play my chord melody
2. Take a solo
3. Play my chord melody or your melody for the head out

The deadline is February first 2019

You have to have good time, keep the time. I don’t care how simple the solo is! Just play it well

Parker and Coltrane Blues Form (G. Perin)

Hi vibes friend today i'd like to talk about the Parker and Coltrane blues form!
Please follow them while watching the lesson.

Parker blues
F7|Em7b5 A7| Dm7 G7|Cm7 F7|Bb7| Bbm7 Eb7| Am7 D7|Abm7 Db7|Gm7 C7| F7 D7|Gm7 C7
I7|VIIm7b5 III7|VIm7 II7 |Vm7 I7|IV7|IVm7 bVII7| IIIm7 VI7|bIIIm7| bVI7|IIm7 V7|I7 VI7|IIm7 V7

Coltrane blues
| F7 Ab7 | DbM7 E7 | A C7 | FM | BbM | Bbm7 | Am7 | Abm7 | Gm7 C7 | Eb7 AbM7 | B7 EM7 | Gm7 C7 |

Thanks a lot for watching and remember to follow me on Facebook Instagram and Youtube!

Chord Melody 2018-2019 - Falling Grace

I will get video of Audio and play through and talk about some of these.

PDF is attached.

As a fun incentive, you guys have one week (from the date of this post) to post your versions of this chord melody. I will pick a winner, probably with an online random generator.

The winner wins one pair of my new sticks. They will be out within the next week or so.

YOU HAVE TO WRITE THE CHORDS IN. Study this a bit, make sure you know what the alterations or of what I've written here.

Look to see when I have a root or when I don't.
Post any questions.