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Basic Voicings

This is likely to be old news for most on the site but hopefully helpful for those who haven't worked through these yet. I don't think I mentioned very clearly that you can replace the fifth of each voicing with the 6th for more color or variation.

Happy Birthday Tony - From Nicofarr - "Bach Prelude in C"


As a gift, here is my current work on Bach Prelude in C Major, from the well tempered clavier.... Still a practice tape, but wanted to share it anyway.

Thanks again and again for building this, for making this happen... You know how much Charly and I have to thank you !! ;)

Happy Birthday!

Nico Farrugia

Stuff I'm working on... Wine and Roses, 1-5 permutation exercise

Here a recent take of Wine & Roses (to get going with posting here)
Through practice of permutation from Bergonzi's Melodic Structures I recently started finding a way to bridge the "gap" between playing the head with chords (I generally start out learning a tune by fitting the chords under the melody first- as written on the pdf) and horizontal lines, in other words: move on from a "stiff" head to being able to improvise over the changes.

The steps I figured out playing more freely & horizontal were: