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Intro to the Modes Series 'Modes In Detail'

This is the first part of a multi part series on modes. When I've posted everything you'll find it in the link above here.
Chinese translation for Chinese students


Quick Groove Lesson (Bubblehouse by MMW)

Here is a quick and dirty lesson on "Bubblehouse" by Medeski Martin and Wood from the album "Shack-Man". Stefan had requested more beginner stuff so this is what came to mind. It was a jammy-jam type of song that was popular when I was a tween in college. It was one of the first songs I heard and said "I can play that" and just walked over to the vibes and started banging it out. I busted it it out a few times when stuck jamming with rocker guitarists/bassists who don't know any songs. "Ok just play G minor.... :)"

The Modes In Detail - Locrian

Locrian the crazy scale! The 7th scale degree of the major scale.


Chinese translation for Chinese students

如果拿Locrian 音階和大調(major)音階來比較,Locrian音階多了降2降3降5降6降7音。


單單只打這個音階覺得沒有被解決,所以通常用在minor7b5- dominant7b9,

例如Cminor7b5- Fdominant7b9 - Bbminor7

Locrian 是比較難的音階,可以練習在不同調式之間轉換,熟悉不同調式音階的聲音。

The Modes In Detail - Dorian

Dorian is the mode that starts on the second scale degree of the major scale. So in the key of C play D to D.
Chinese Translation for Chinese students.
Dorian和 Ionian 的不同是,Dorian 降3音降7音
Dorian是最常在爵士樂中在小調和弦(Minor chord)中用到調式。II-V-I的和聲進行,II級幾乎都是用到Dorian。