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Blue Bossa Lesson Plan

Blue Bossa is a great tune to make a study of. Here are some things to do from easy to difficult. You should work on some of these ideas and then post them online here.

1. Memorize whatever you do.
2. Learn the melody
3. Learn the chords
4. Play a chord tone solo
5. Do all the above in all keys

1. Make an arrangement of the tune. NOT a strict arrangement just work out ways to play the melody and accompany yourself.
2. Do this in all keys.

Lesson Category


Practicing the Blues

Here is a way to practice the blues. Be strict about it... You'll see.

Chinese translation for Chinese students.


F blues scale: F Ab Bb B C Eb F

練習方法(in F key):

先打F and C, 製造一個固定低音的聲響(set a pedal)。再開始即興F blues scale。




常見的藍調曲式:四小節F(一級)>兩小節Bb (四級)>兩小節F(一級)>一小節 C (五級)> 一小節Bb(四級) > 兩小節F(一級)

Open and Closed Voicings - Video

Click the little play button right above here.

This is a GREAT Exercise!! I refer to an audio lesson you can listen to also. AND there's a PDF attached to this lesson, you should see it below.

Chinese translation for Chinese Students



Scales Part 4

Talks about the modes of the Major Scale.
Chinese translation for Chinese students

Ionian 的結構:比如以C因爲起頭音,一路上行,8個音中間半音全音的關係。全全半全全全半。


