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Chords & Harmony - A melodic minor over a C maj 7 by Jim The Vibes

Hello. This is a new lesson on the chords and harmony festival 2011. I am talking about how you can play a minor melodic chord or scale over a maj 7 chord. I hope you find this helpfull. If there are any questions, let me know.

Thank you



Tìtulo: Acordes y Armonía - Una melodía menor sobre un C maj 7 por Jim The Vibes

Udel Lesson No. 1 by Tony Miceli

Udel students. Here's your first assignment. Choose one of the lessons under check this out and do the assignment.

If you do the lesson 'getting to the four chord' give a few examples of getting there.
If you do the blues scale lesson make sure you do a couple choruses and make sure we can here each change.

Any questions post them here, and we will reply. (VW community feel free to help out)

EOTM - Thanks to Marcel Pascual

Marcel posted this exercise in a comment to barryk.

I thought I would turn it into the EOTM!

here's marcel's comment:
I often look into exercises of rudimental or technical snare drum books to aply to the notes and caracteristics of vibraphone in different ways. This last days I took one to practice combination of simple and double strokes and I think that works very well to practice C major (or any mode with the same notes!).