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Rhythm Changes - Harmonic Vocabulary on the A Pt. 1

Rhythm Changes - Harmonic Vocabulary on the A Pt. 1

In this series, we’ll explore harmonic vocabulary for comping over the A sections of rhythm changes. In Pt. 1, we start with a common and widely used set of standard changes, providing a strong foundation for comping.

One key concept in this approach is treating the top note of each chord as a melodic line—essentially harmonizing a simple, stepwise motion. This helps create a natural, connected flow between voicings rather than thinking of each chord in isolation.

Rhythm Changes - Build Vocabulary on the As Pt. 4 by Behn Gillece

In this section, we continue with the F#7–B7–E7–A7–D7–G7–C7–F7 progression in measures 1-4, but with a simplified rhythmic approach. Rather than relying on continuous eighth-note lines, this version demonstrates how to outline the changes effectively with more space and varied rhythmic phrasing.

Listening Pick of the Week - Friedman-Miceli Pasic 2018


Someone (not me) submitted this recording of David and I playing at PASIC in 2018 as a favorite cd (but it's not a CD). While it's not a traditional CD, it's a full-length performance, and I'm featured on it. I initially felt a bit awkward highlighting my own work, but I believe there's a valuable learning opportunity here.

Rhythm Changes - Build Vocabulary on the As Pt. 3 by Behn Gillece

Expanding Vocabulary Over the A Section

Continuing our exploration of rhythm changes, this lesson focuses on another set of substitute chord changes for the A section. While the general framework remains the same, this version features a different set of passing dominant chords, adding more forward motion to the progression. The focus here is the first A section, which you can tell by the turnaround in the last two measures.