Norbert mentioned what I call Leading & neighboring tones on V7chord tones, I've been taught bases on triads sort of & chord tones I can find it's the stuff between that gets confusing
leading tones a chromatic step below ( fluff?)
neighboring tone a diatonic step above (good for sound in key)
and here are the six possible patterns for getting between chord tones
1) C D E 1 2 3
2) C Db E 1 b2 3
3) C D# E 1#23
4) C Db D# E 1 b2 #2 3
5) C D Eb 1 2 b3
6) C Db Eb 1 b2 b3
This is from Wim Dijkgraaf's
Small building blocks that are almost elemental. What ya think?
yep and each one of those
tonymiceli Tue, 07/23/2013 - 16:32
yep and each one of those little blocks has a 'sound'. and then you hear the sound and play it, right?
ya, I guess so
pax Tue, 07/23/2013 - 17:38
In reply to yep and each one of those by tonymiceli
If you allow yourself to hear them. I know my ears hear more now. If you hit everything from as many different perspectives as possible it eventually sinks in. Scales where way too big a set till last month but viewed as triads, spread out in thirds it started to click. It's all a rehash of something somebody though of years ago and gets a rebirth, kind of like the juicers selling on TV.