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Michael Pinto simple Upper Structure triads series part 1

This part I focus on using one upper structure triad and mixing it with the 4 notes of the dominant 7 chord to create a melodic fragment.

I will use the key of C as an example in parenthesis.
In summary, we are using a Maj Triad built off of the 6th scale degree of a V7 chord that leads to I. This could be the V7 of a ii-V7-I. (D-7 G7 Cmaj)
The idea to make the melodic fragment is to use the 4 notes of the V7.
I III V VII (G, B, D, F) and mix them with the notes of a Maj triad built off of the 6th scale degree of the V7(G7). So an Emaj triad. E, G#, B.

An Interesting 4 Mallet Exercise

This is a transcription of Bach's 2 part invention no. 13. The range has been adjusted to 3 octaves so it can be played on vibes and marimba. Both parts are 90% arpeggios, so using 4 mallets will make it easier to execute the lines. You can download the manuscript [HERE]

Note to Tony: How about allowing uploads of pdf files on video posts so I don't have to keep putting in these external links to the manuscript?