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Forum Topic: Philly/City People!

I’ll be headed to Philly in a couple of weeks for the Weiss festival and vibes workshop! I’m planning on bringing my vibes but am unsure how I will actually get them to and from where the workshop is. Does anyone ever use the bus or subway? I’ll have a rock and roller cart with everything on that. How about taking an Uber for the first trip to have them there? Please let me know your thoughts on this!

Also, who’s going to be at the workshop? Can’t wait!!


Forum Topic: Balafon history, context, and traditional performances

Hi all,

Below is some general balafon history that I send to my students. Hopefully, this provides some traditional context to several West African countries where it is played. I’ll let the info speak for itself and keep checking in on member conversations.

Important reminder: The video lessons I am uploading do not represent a traditional context or style I learned in Burkina Faso. I am using my own 4-mallet approach to connect rhythm ideas and grooves that can be played on any mallet instrument.

Forum Topic: Transcript of a great speech - loaded with simple brilliance...

Whether it's music, or business, or sports, or the end, success is all the same. This man gets right to the heart of it. Worth a few minutes to read...

PS: James Clear's stuff is also awesome. I don't subscribe to many lists, but his is one of them...great writer.