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Content type: Video Upload
I've been thinking about transcribing these days as I work on a Tom Harrell solo. I dig Joe's philosophy. We have a new trumpet site up with Joe and I asked him if I could post his trumpet video on transcribing. He said yes. When Bobby…
15 years ago - 8 comments
Content type: Audio Player
Its been about 8 months since this recording. I think I'm past the mistakes on it now to a point where I am willing to post it. This was recorded at my percussion ensemble concert last year. We only were able to rehearse about 3 times…
13 years 4 months ago - 4 comments
Content type: Video Embed
Tifoo sent me this video. this guy sounds good!
15 years ago - 9 comments
Content type: Story
This is a great lick. It really gives some insight about weaving and vocabulary. Check out the bebop major scale coming down. What a natural evolution for the scale huh? It just smooths out the major scale! I love how he gets to the 4…
15 years ago - 0 comments
The Cycle Begins
Content type: Blog entry
For me it's about my 12th year teaching at the college. Man I think Ed Saindon is going on 20+ something. Maybe even 30!! It's always fascinating for me to start the year off. I know I have certain stereotypes and I'm always curious to see…
15 years ago - 9 comments
Content type: Blog entry
The more I do this the more I realize the power of a site like this. The more you talk about things, the more you post, the more you comment, I think, the more you learn. When you record something with the intent of posting on this site…
15 years ago - 0 comments
Content type: Story
I'll be posting parts from Joe's appearance on Marian Mcpartland's Piano Jazz. This is from the Mid 90's. It's a great chance to check out Joe and listen to him play and talk. He's a very inspiring cat!
15 years ago - 2 comments
Content type: Blog entry
Earlier today I was recalling my experiences with French jazz violinist Stephane Grappelly. I made one recording with Stephane and while it is far from earth-shattering, it remains a sentimental favorite of mine. I met Stephane rather…
12 years 8 months ago - 6 comments
Content type: Book page
Multi Part lesson of the standard Invitation.
15 years ago - 0 comments
Content type: Blog entry
You're Practicing Everything. One of my favorite quotes. My mentor Steve Giordano told me that. I thought I'd put that out there to see what it means to you guys.
15 years ago - 0 comments
Content type: Blog entry
First off, the title is a bait-and-switch. The Beatles aren't mentioned in any substance until the last chapter of the book. The book is really about its subtitle: "An Alternative History of American Popular Music", and judged on that…
15 years ago - 2 comments
Content type: Audio Player
Final Lesson on A Train. Just put it all together! There's an Easter egg in this lesson.
13 years 4 months ago - 11 comments
Tom Harrell Solo
Content type: Blog entry
I'm always checking myself. Especially with all the different opinions here on the site. Gary has really helped me chill out about practicing. I still DO practice a lot, but i'm not as freaked about it. I'm someone who put in 8 hours a day…
15 years ago - 0 comments
Office Hours
Content type: Event
I get a bunch of email with people having questions about playing. At the University of the Arts we're supposed to have office hours. So I've decided to have office hours here for subscribers. I'll do this on I'll announce…
15 years ago - 4 comments
Content type: Video Upload
Here's a video to show you how to post in a private lesson, private class, or private course.
15 years ago - 0 comments
Content type: Audio Player
Here's lesson 5. Play a chord tone solo. Why? Well let's see if you know the chords. If I can put you in a box and ask you limit yourself and play a solo, and you can play through the tune and we hear the tune very clearly, then you know…
15 years ago - 0 comments
Content type: Lesson Plans
The A Train study is an in depth look at a tune. Tunes unlock secrets to harmony and improvising. In a way, a tune is a well thought out solo! A prepared one! And in a way a solo is a quickly conceived melody over a tune. That's not quite…
15 years ago - 0 comments
Content type: Book page
Here is the PDF to go along with Drop 2 Lesson 3 Part 3
15 years ago - 0 comments
Content type: Video Upload
It's really important to practice the modes in a way that helps you learn the sounds of each. Paying C Major and then D Dorian will still sound like C Major. Play C Major and then C Dorian and hear the difference! 今天要講調式音階(Modes),…
7 years 4 months ago - 7 comments
Content type: Video Embed
15 years ago - 5 comments
Content type: Audio Player
Chords > Scales > Lines That's the plan for this lesson. Get some clear lines happening that are based on the scales that are based on the chords.
13 years 4 months ago - 5 comments
ECM Records
John Keene
Content type: Story
Over the last few days, Tony and I have exchanged several emails discussing several CD’s we both grew up with, including two of Gary’s that are currently out of print – Easy As Pie and Picture This. And as one might imagine, one idea…
15 years ago - 9 comments
Content type: Audio Player
Inspired by all of the different versions on this site, I am working on Invitation. Here is one of tonight's practice recordings. I am working on comping and articulation. I also took a stab at soloing. I used the motor for this one. I…
15 years ago - 16 comments
Content type: Video Embed
I don't know if this performance has been previously posted, but I just found it on YouTube and really enjoyed it. Red and Gary play on just one vibe (sometimes together, which looks a bit cramped!) and do nice version of Back Home in…
15 years ago - 3 comments
Content type: Video Embed
15 years ago - 5 comments
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