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a good play-along

Do you guys know about Allan Cox's "Meet The Bass Player" play-along tracks?  They're very basic - bass and guitar - recordings of 12-bar blues and rhythm changes in a couple of common keys. 

The thing about them that is most useful is that they cover a very wide range of tempos - 40 bpm to 340 bpm (yikes!).  I use them for drum kit practice, but it occurred to me that they might be useful for vibraphone as well.  I don't know of another play-along thing that covers that range of tempos.

Jenco Vibraphone Case


I have had a Jenco for a while now. As of late, I've been going to many jams and rehearsals with it. That's all well and good, but I don't have a case. I have looked around the internet and talked to musicians in town. I have come up with dead ends so far. I did get something for my resonators, but not for the main instrument. (The frame, the bars, and the pedal are all one piece.) Does anyone know a reputable place to check out for custom cases? Or vibraphone cases in general?