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Caravan: A sections

There are 4 files here.

This section deals with the first part of Caravan.
C7 for 6 bars then Fmin
But I broke this into small chunks to work on the basics of the A sections.
We talk about using the Alt scale on a 7th chord to get to the minor. You can also use what's called a Spanish Phrygian

Sometimes on the A section people play C7b9 to Dbmaj9 for the 6 bars and then resolve to Fmin

I'll Remember April Pop-Up Class: March 8, 7 PM EST

Hey hey,

On Monday, March 8th at 7 PM EST there will be a pop-up class where everyone will play for each other and give feedback. We can also discuss any topics, no teachers! Post yourself playing the tune so you can join if you haven't already. Not too late!

Link to join:

Meeting ID: 813 9049 5531
Passcode: 349960