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Hi vibes players,

I am a vibes and piano player frm Germany. I bought an Omega 5 years ago via Steve Weiss. I love the sound of the instrument, but am in despair now. I never did any harm to it, but 4 months ago the dampening bar was increasingly bent, no idea why. I called at the seller Steve Weiss, who tries to help. But the issue is Malletech. First they told us I would get new bars after 2 to 4 weeks. Nothing happened. Then: they were purchased and are out of acting. Have to wait a few months. Whatever i do and as I send mails: they have the Black Hole Syndrom: everything goes in, nothing out. It makes no sense: they still sell, as the website says. I am frustrated, pretty close to angryness.  I have straightened the bar a few times since I need this my only instrument- until it broke. I do not expect any perfect ideas that could help me out - but maybe?


wyndorps Wed, 01/15/2025 - 04:40

##### English version below #####

Vielleicht kann ich helfen:
Ich kenne das Omega nicht im Detail, habe aber gute Werkstattmöglichkeiten, mehrere zum Teil selbsgebaute eigene Vibraphone und bin aus Deutschland (Raum Stuttgart).
Vielleicht kann ich das Instrument reparieren, oder vorübergehend mit einem Leihrahmen (M55, die Omega-Platten passen darauf) aushelfen.
Sie könnnen mich unter kontaktieren.

#### English version #####

I don't know the Omega in detail, but I have good workshop facilities, several own vibraphones, some I built myself, and I'm from Germany (Stuttgart area).
Perhaps I can repair the instrument, or help out temporarily with a loan frame (M55, the Omega plates fit on it).
You can contact me at

walsroderpianist Wed, 01/29/2025 - 09:49

In reply to by wyndorps

Hi Wyndorps,
thanks for your great offers for helping with a repair and a loan frame. I have seen online what great work you can do. But just now I got the information by Malletech that right now they are processing the new part. So waiting a little longer would be the most comfortable solution.
Keep on going.

walsroderpianist Wed, 01/15/2025 - 13:28

In reply to by wyndorps

Und hier was ich schrieb:

> Guten Tag nach Schwaben,
> vielen Dank für die Antwort, die mich gefreut hat, da ich, wie in meinem Posting zu erkennen, im Moment ziemlich auf dem Schlauch stehe.
> Ich bin absolut dankbar für Hilfe. Prima, wenn sich ein Fachmann findet, vor allem speziell für Vibrafone. Es handelt sich wie gesagt um die Dämpferleiste, worauf ja Malletech sein Gelpad platziert. Ich habe ja alles im Posting beschrieben.
> Vor Verzweiflung, musste üben, habe ich bereits rumgepfuscht. ( Laie).Die gebrochenen Stellen - zwei- mit speziellem Zementkleber und kleinen Metallbrücken verbunden. Dürfte sich leicht entfernen lassen. Gerade ist das Teil dennoch nicht.
> Ein hiesiger Metallbaubetrieb sagte mir, es sei Aluminium, woraus sich ein Bogen nie mehr entfernen ließe.
> Die Leiste ist im Prinzip ein T-Profil.

Einen Leihrahmen würde ich gerne in Anspruch nehmen, um arbeiten zu können.
> Also schon mal vielen Dank!
> Viele Grüße
> Andreas Oesterling

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tonymiceli Wed, 01/22/2025 - 14:20

ps, you are talking about the damper bar, NOT the wings, correct?
i'm amazed if the damper bar bent. i don't even get how that would happen without something happening externally.

the wings are very very fragile. too fragile I think. just moving the instrument and moving the wings WILL bend them.

I just can't believe your damper bar is bent. I'm assuming the solution is something simple. I have told malletech about this. I hope they respond.

Jenzz Thu, 02/20/2025 - 16:13

Hi :-)

@Andreas Oesterling:

I think you have a dot too much at the DE end of Pauls mail adress... This might be the problem...

Any news on the issue from Malletech?

Best regards from Ahnsen near Hannover .. :-)


tonymiceli Sat, 02/22/2025 - 13:20

In reply to by Jenzz

I think he got the part. Well I know he did because I helped him.

What happened to his instrument, I have never heard happening with any instrument. I beat the crap out of my instruments. It actually fell of the stage a couple years ago. Bizarre, I'd like to know more of exactly what happened.

walsroderpianist Sun, 03/09/2025 - 13:47

In reply to by tonymiceli

Sorry for this a bit belated posting. Well, as I mailed to Tony before ( thanks again), everything is allright, by Tony´ s help with Malletech. I got the part and it is working well. I still do not know how this issue could occur. I am waiting for a guy in my hometown who will come along to see the instrument. He is a specialist who projects more or less complicated parts on the computer for many functions. I showed him the damaged part and he said he would have been able to do it pretty easily....I hope this will never ever be necessary...