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Content type: Blog entry
I just got the update to Band-in-a-Box. First impression is that it is really cool (as if it wasn't already cool). As usual, you enter the chord changes and BIAB automagically generates an accompaniment of bass, drums, piano, guitar,…
15 years 2 months ago - 8 comments
Content type: Blog entry
I'm sure it's no suprise to any of you that I'm not too cool with holidays, especially birthdays. But now that I have all these friends and have to run this site, I decided to be cool. And as an exercise I thought I would thank everyone…
15 years 2 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Story
Hey Guys! I had such a great time with you all! I'll be setting up the classroom very soon. So the workshop is not over yet! I'll post again when the classroom is set up.
15 years 2 months ago - 1 comments
Content type: Forum topic
Hey everybody, I've not met a lot of you, but this may be a chance for those in/near Philly. My "Combo" from the US Naval Academy Band is playing Rose Tree Park (near Media PA) on Wednesday July 1st at 730pm. I hope some of you can make…
15 years 2 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Blog entry
OK, this is the morning after the incredible hectic workshop weekend. Got out of bed 3.30 this morning as I promissed Tony and Sharon to get them to the Airport. After that back to sleep for a few hours and then off to the factory. We're…
15 years 2 months ago - 5 comments
Content type: Video Upload
15 years 2 months ago - 1 comments
Content type: Blog entry
I'm actually excited for Thursday and to go to Nico's toy shop. A buddy or mine was in New York recently and was at a studio. He emailed me and said he played this instrument and it was so beautiful. It was a VP. He said he was mesmerized…
15 years 2 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Images
Here's a photo of myself, Stefan and John Daly. This was at the Limerick Vibe Hang. Stefan is a funny guy! And also talented!
15 years 2 months ago - 1 comments
Content type: Images
Dimitri is an up and coming vibe player from Greece! He was complaining about playing in clubs and being heard...... An then he played Nico's Evibe and his problem was solved. Well that problem was solved and then a new one appeared. Now…
15 years 2 months ago - 5 comments
Content type: Story
first of all, i can´t say enough thankyous to nico and tony for such a great weekend. the workshop for me was more then great and bet it was for everyone who was involved. i can tell that tony is such a great musician who never gets tired…
15 years 2 months ago - 4 comments
Content type: Images
Having Dinner and Ice Cream
15 years 2 months ago - 4 comments
Content type: Audio Player
This is a little example of chord-tone tapping I gave by using it in playing over Bill Evans' "Nardis." Please keep in mind that my goal was to show how you could use this technique, not to take the most interesting and tasteful solo over…
3 months 1 week ago - 2 comments
Content type: Audio Player
This is the second lesson on using Irish techniques for vibes- this is the same concept as 'neighbor-tapping,' but this time with chord tones. This technique is not unlike one you'd expect to hear from piano/organ players like Ray Charles…
15 years 2 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Event
CLICK HERE FOR THE VIBE HANG The Hang is 6 o'clock Holland Time. I'm pretty sure that's 12pm East coast time and 9am West Coast time. Am I wrong? VPB Logo We're going to attempt a 'Vibe Hang' from the vander Plas Baileo factory in the…
15 years 2 months ago - 11 comments
Content type: Images
Hi vibists, Here's me with Gary & Steve Swallow after last night's GB Quartet show in Ridgefield, CT. Had a brief chat with Gary, and he was kind enough to stop for a photo. We were introduced once many years ago, but very…
15 years 2 months ago - 1 comments
Content type: Video Upload
15 years 2 months ago - 3 comments
Content type: Blog entry
Finally an occasion to start blogging. Tomorrow I think end of the day Tony is arriving here, of who I'm excited to meet in person. My colleague Paul and I started preparing our showroom and the instruments for the lessons on Friday and…
15 years 2 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Video Upload
Students talk about and show their progress in only a 2 day workshop. John Daly and Stefan both made amazing progress.
15 years 2 months ago - 5 comments
Content type: Images
I taught a general improv class these last few days in Ireland. Really really great students. I teach a lot of adults in the states so I came with a sense of what this would be about. But it wasn't that way at all. The adults I taught in…
15 years 2 months ago - 6 comments
Content type: Video Embed
12 years 9 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Audio Player
This is a great tune by Kenny Baron that seems to be growing in popularity. Laura and I used this recording to open our new CD. I especially like the bridge. The chromatic harmonic climb can really get you going. I've included an attached…
12 years 9 months ago - 10 comments
Content type: Video Upload
14 years 7 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Blog entry
This question was just asked by Ed Saindon on a post today… well I have news! Yes, Joe is less on the site than he used to be, but who doesn’t know about his crazy life and agenda? On his itinerary, we can see he will be touring in Europe…
15 years 2 months ago - 7 comments
Content type: Audio Player
I got together with my Dad, on Father's Day today and recorded "Loss of Love" by Henry Mancini, as a Bolero. Barry K - Vibes Paul K - Accordion Band-in-a-Box - Bass, Drums, Strings This is basically a practice recording for me, trying to…
13 years 7 months ago - 8 comments
Content type: Book page
Gary talks about his travels!
12 years 8 months ago - 1 comments
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