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Malletech Vibraphone damper rail

I'd love to see the workings of malletech's damper rail's straight up and down travel from above and below the instrument. If you have a malletech instrument, please post a video and/or clear photo of the damper rail's anchors and travel. This is a key feature for better, cleaner and more even damping via the pedal. I'd really appreciate it. If there's an instrument in the Dallas Area that I can come and see, that would be nice too. 

Thank you. 

Vibrato: having your cake and eating it too

Just sharing a discussion had here at the house a few days ago...  Everyone here who knows me knows I am Pro-vibrato while playing; for me turning it off is an effect, but if I am playing, it is most likely on.   Many players (especially those influenced by Gary Burton) since the 70's have preferred to play with it off because it sounds corny to them.   OK.  Nothing new there.  And...

Summer Lesson with Tony

It's been a few since I've had a lesson with Tony. Between work travel and some home construction projects my life got a bit crazy. However, I've been able to maintain consistent practice and chip away at the last lesson work.  

First up I told Tony I'd like to work on All of Me, and he suggested figuring it out as a chord melody, so here is my effort with that. I love the chord changes in this tune. They really transport you to a sound in history. I know a lot of folks probably get tired of this tune getting called at jams but I can't help but always dig it haha.