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Satie's Gnossienne No. 1 by BarryK

My folks watch the Poirot TV series; my Mom was obsessed with one of the pieces of music they used, Satie's Gnossienne No. 1 (from the show - My Dad sent me the sheet music; a subtle hint to learn it. Hahaha. Anyway, I took the challenge. 

If you want to work on one-hand dampening, try this one.

Here is my best take of the night. I want to try to take it a little slower, and incorporate more dampening.

Comments appreciated.


Matchbook: Ralph Towner & Gary Burton

Vibraphone and guitar duets always fascinate me. These two can often compete with either other in a combo setting or big band because they are both comping instruments. I think the sounds don’t always mix the best with a piano also trying to play as well. After we talked about the emotion that certain chords give off, this was the perfect album to follow that lesson. Each song has a different story and meaning, and the chord progression can make you feel some sort of way. This is definitely a “sit in the dark with it blasting in your ears” type album.