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Crazy Mallets

Many years ago I heard a recording of Joel M. Ross on Youtube where he had taped his mallets. I found the subtle noise when playing very interesting, but the mallets were always too expensive for me to ruin the winding with tape. 
With my mallet winding machine, I was able to take up the idea from back then again and made my first test mallet with a "striking sound".
The video contains a first quick & dirty test and describes how I made the mallet.

New Etude for Vibraphone

This is a newly published etude for Vibraphone by Joke van Dal-Kleijne.

It was very challenging, so it may be a good piece for more advanced players here on the site to work on.  It took me about four months to be able to get through a clean pass recording it.  I'm sure some of you can put it together quicker than that, but it's a challenge, no doubt... as a good etude should be.  You'll learn a lot about mallet positioning and sticking choices.  I did and I've been at this 45+ years.  :)

Philly Vibe Hang 240107 by Barry K

I don't get to play vibes with other musicians so it was a great opportunity for me to play at the Philly Vibe Hang at Tony's, January 7, 2024. Thanks Tony, for putting this together!     

- From the Start by Laufey      
- O Grande Amor by Jobim      
- Out of Nowhere by Johnny Green     

- Vibes: Barry K  
- Bass: Justin Sekelewski  
- Drums: Dan Monaghan  
- Keys: Joe Veltri  


New Year Stablemates Practice

I was inspired by Tony to practice Stablemates. This is a QDV of a brief practice session. I'm working on playing the head with chords and then playing lines over the changes. I feel pretty good about the former, but it's difficult for me to play one or more choruses without losing the time or otherwise messing up (as you can hear multiple times). Any suggestions on how to improve at this are appreciated!


Mallet Wrapping Machine

I thought it was time to present some new material here again.

Over the years, a lot of worn-out mallets have accumulated. I had the opportunity to give students a project assignment to refurbish old mallets. The result works very well. I have restored a first set of mallets with 300 windings per mallet and I am very enthusiastic. Many thanks to my student Fabian Buschulte!