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Exercise To Study the Bebop Dom Scale

I am doing a lot of teaching this semester. Probably the most I have ever done. It's really hard for a musician to turn work down. Well for me it is. 

It's a lot of fun teaching students who practice and work hard. Not as much fun teaching students with lots of excuses. 

I do have a bunch of good students though so that helps. Here's an exercise I made for one of them to work on the Bebop dom scale. Learn it, memorize it and play it fast!!!!

Original Dampening Etude

This is a piece that I wrote for an assignment in Tony Micelli’s private vibraphone lessons on

I called it “He Laid upon the Ground” because I came up with the melody while I was laying in the floor of a practice room at USM.

You’ll have to forgive the hesitation close to the end, but otherwise, enjoy!