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Dampening Technical Difficulties ft. Friedman Etude #1

Hello everyone! I want to take full advantage of this site and everything offered here. To that end, this video was made. I hope this is the first of many posts I make. Give it a watch and I look forward to your thoughts. Have a good one!

I explain in the video why I'm posting but a few things I forgot to mention:

1. I'm also having trouble with getting a tight grip and a strong dampening stroke without tensing up (or feeling like I am, I have struggled with this quite a bit.)

Thinking Behind the Hands

This is kind of a jank video-- low energy today. But still highlights some important notions: We forget about our bodies while playing. Another place to diagnose and theorize and stuff is back where our hands, arms, and even the total torso are acting.

Then I poorly demonstrate the virtues of preshifting as a muscle encoder. But it DOES embed the subsequent notes into the act of striking and rebounding itself. It forces mental leading and appropriate concentration.