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yo, i have a 4 oclock sunday gig. it pays great!! so that's cool. let me find out what time it's over and get back to you.

i'm hoping i can get home early. i work i think 7 nights next week, which is good. but after that it's slow, and i'll have time.

first things first let's see when this gig is over.

i'll get back to you.


Jon Letsky Fri, 11/28/2008 - 22:49

No problem Tony. Glad to hear about the great paying gig! Just let me know whenever you get a chance, no rush.


tonymiceli Sat, 11/29/2008 - 03:10

In reply to by Jon Letsky

i think it's over at 6, i'm home about 7:30. probably online by 8:30.

hopefully this will all work as planned. cool? if i get overtime or something it won't mess you up will it?


s k y p e: tjazzvibe
i c h a t: tonymiceli

Jon Letsky Sun, 11/30/2008 - 08:53

In reply to by tonymiceli

No problem! If it gets to be 9:30 I'll probably sign off because I have to get ready for bed so I can get up for work tomorrow. We can just reschedule if that happens. I'll be home tonight anyways so I'll just keep skype on for when you get back. Have a good gig! See you later!


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