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Four In One Etude

Ok here's the etude. It should be in good shape. But here's what happened. I came home from a gig and started reading Arthur C. Clarke's 'Rendezvous' and couldn't stop until i finished the book. I really tried!!

Then I ran down to my studio and cranked this out. I added a solo section for you to check out also. I'll add the midi file. Remember it sounds bad (the midi file) but might serve as a good reference.

I put the chords in for the head, and then left them out for the solo section. You should play each bar, write the chords in and study it that way.

Pedal To the Metal - All Parts by Tony Miceli

Here's a dampening etude. Put the pedal down and leave it down for the whole etude. Dampen every note until the very end where it's indicated to let the notes ring. There's also a quite different accompaniment part if you want to use it. Listen to the whole thing. Below is the following:

Just the vibe part
Just the accompaniment part
The Sheet Music

Philly Workshop by Doubleday

The workshop seemed to be a success! Its not everyday that you get to meet guys like Joe Locke, Tony Miceli, Mike Pinto, Dana Sudborough, and Randy Sutin. It was a bit nerve racking to have to follow these performances at the vibe hang. Those guys are real heavy weights. Hopefully next time I'll be able to hold my own.

Joe Locke is THE hippest guy I've ever met. He has now become one of my major role models. Meeting and talking to him was such a blessing. I hope I can meet him again sometime.

Philly Vibes Workshop

I really enjoyed visitng Tony's workshop @ the University of the Arts this past weekend in
Philadelphia. I enjoyed what I heard and it was a pleasure meeting all of the vibists who attended. The atmosphere was casual and relaxed, but I liked the fact that everyone came to work, and were serious about learning.

Tony's making a great contribution to our instrument with and now also with events such as the Philadelphia Weekend Workshop, which affords vibists the opportunity to meet and grow in real-time.

My take on the Workshop

I had a great time at the Philly workshop and this was for many reasons. First just hanging with guys and talking about the instrument for 2 days was great. However I also like being an observer and watching Joe, Dana and Mike do their thing, and see people getting excited.

Just to see the participants digging the classes was a thrill, because I know that guys are going home to practice, and I know that they left inspired. That's a huge deal.