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Pat Martino Transcription - Close Your Eyes

Hi guys! Here's a transcription of Pat Martino that I've been working on off of the live album Young Guns. It is interesting to see how he can weave through changes and connect all of his lines in different ways. Playing this over and over is helping me to start hearing longer phrases. I've also been trying to challenge myself and work on playing uptempo with 4 mallets. I tend to feel a little bogged down when I am holding all four, so having something like this to work up to speed little by little has been very helpful! Let me know what you all think.

Milt plays non-accompanied

I've only found one example of Milt playing without accompaniment on record and it's on a record by MJQ. Just recently, I found this on YouTube of the same song performed live by Milt. The video is called "Milt Jackson, Ray Brown Quartet" and I'll invite you to forward to 47:31 in this video and enjoy the only example I've ever found of Milt playing solo. The song is "Nature Boy."

Someone to Watch Over Me (solo arrangement)

This is an arrangement of "Someone to Watch Over Me" that I have been working on for the last few weeks. It's inspired by the Keith Jarrett solo version from "The Melody at Night, With You."

I always find my arranging ability outpaces my technical ability on the instrument, so it's always a struggle to play these things well, especially when the tape is on.