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God Bless The Child - Solo Vibes

"God Bless The Child" - one of my favorite ballads composed and sung by the great Billie Holiday. Some exploration with dampening and solo playing techniques that will be covered in the two books (solo vibraphone playing and dampening) that I've been diligently writing. The books will include etudes and exercises well as solos on such standards as Mandel's "Emily" and Gershwin's "Someone to Watch over Me". It's a lot of work but rewarding at the same time. I'll be working well into the Fall since I'll be on a sabbatical from Berklee.

wheel blocks for those of us tall guys with old axes that aren't adjustable...

So here are some pics of the blocks I use.

The quick and dirty ones that I keep in my case (and a spare set in the car) are easy to make and cheap. Cut (4) 4" sections of a 2x4, then staple some non-skid pads to the bottom and nail a caster cup to the top. Looks ugly, but works like a charm.

How to Harmonize a Melody: "Georgia on my Mind" (G. Perin) -V

Hi vibes friends,
In this lesson I'm going to show you an easy and effective method to harmonize the melody of "Georgia on my Mind".
Make sure to download the pdf before watching the video.

Your homework is to use the same method to harmonize the B section of the standard (there's is a free staff for you to complete in the worksheet)

"Shuffle Vibe Blues"

“Shuffle Vibe Blues” – a fun little song that I composed to play with a left-hand shuffle feel. It’s an AAB form with the A section being a 12 bar blues. It's a bit reminiscent of something the late great Dr. John (Mac Rebennack) would play. I enjoy his music and was listening to some of his songs recently. Gary Burton had told me about Dr. John when I was studying with Gary in the 70s.