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Gong -- Esnuria

So, I need to share this amazing fusion tune from 1976. The band "Gong" and this tune, in particular, transformed my life when I was in high school. There is loads of mallet playing on all of their music. Esnuria is an epic that kicks into many gears and is a virtual percussion extravaganza. The ending in 7 is what I would call "Awesome!" I'll shut up and let the music speak for itself...

Practice Club - Friedman Etude 4

For some reason this etude is especially challenging for me. If I went a little faster, then you can hear the dampening mallet almost ring. I tried using harder and softer mallets and these worked the best. I tried to keep the dampening mallet quiet and still feel and express the song.
To get it to this point, believe it or not, I practiced it a LOT. It is elegant and there's nowhere to hide! You can hear everything.

Can You Do This? - Divide the Octave into 3 Parts

I've told this story a million times. So sorry if you heard it before.

When my 1st wife was pregnant she came home and said so many woman were pregnant at the save time. I said I bet it's not any more than usual however you are pregnant and now you're seeing all these other pregnant women. We got into a big fight!

The point is, sometimes just doing stuff will pay off later.

Practice dividing the octave up into 3 parts and don't worry about why. I can do it very easily and if you can't then you should so we both can do it, think about it and talk about it.