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LBGLW-1 Part 1 (A Little Bit Goes A Long Way)

Here's part 2:

Chinese translation for Chinese students
任何兩個小調和弦。比如A minor, B minor
找不同的Voicing,play in time。

A Little Bit Goes A Long Way (LBGLW)

I got the idea to do a series called "a Little Bit Goes a Long Way".

There are some simple things that I learned that really branched out into many other things. Kind of like launch pads for so many other things.

I would argue that just about everything we learn can go a long way. But there are special things that really do.

I remember playing a simple progression Amin7 and Bmin7 and then coming up with all these ideas just using those 2 chords.

Do you guys have any simple things you practiced that went far in learning to play the vibes??

This Will Teach You A Lot!

Chinese translation is for Chinese students

”調式互換“(modal interchange)
寫一首C major的曲子,我們有七個順接和弦(Diatonic Chord)可以用。
像是C5, C, C major7, C major9(13),C major7/E….
I Vi IV major7#11 I major7
C A- F Major7#11 Cmajor7

但是如果想要更多色彩,可以用”調式互換“(modal interchange)或著我們可以說,跟其他的調式借和弦來用(the borrowing of chords from Parallel modes)。
Parallel modes = 不同音階,但是他們用同一個主音。

They Thought About Quiet.

I was in the studio with my Omega (Morningstar Studio). The engineer walked in the room to make sure I had AC for my motor. Why, because he couldn't hear the motor in the mics.

He came in the room and looked at my instrument and saw the wings moving (wings are how Omega does tremolo). He said "OMG your motor is on. I can't hear it in the mics. That made me feel really great about my instrument. He's used to noisy instruments and this is the first time he has heard a very quiet instrument.

Napa Valley and the Alps


I thought it would interesting to try something out next year. A workshop in the mountains of France (Near the Alps) and one in Napa Valley at a Vineyard.

Why? Because there are vibe players there and they are willing to host us and help us. I think upping the game of workshops brings more visibility to the instrument. We have our steady places, Limerick, Ireland and Wuppertal, Germany. These are homes for us, but it would be nice to branch out and spread the word. Also, do some workshops in some cool places around the world.