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Etudes Month - Rhythm Changes Etudes by Behn Gillece -V

Hey all,

The lesson offer is still on but with a small change; complete any two etudes from the blues or rhythm changes etudes I've posted and I will do a free 30 minute lesson. So if you want to do one of the blues etudes and one of the rhythm changes, you can get the lesson. Must be a decent version of each though :)

Hope to see some posts!

Etude 060722 - Can you do this?

Getting your time together can be an enormous amount of work. Well, at least for me it is and I'm still working on it. 

With this etude, you have to play it with your right foot OFF the pedal and tapping on 2 and 4. Not your left foot but your right foot.


I don't write the chords in because I want you guys to print this stuff out and really study it. I feel like I'm handing it to you if I write the chords in. I believe you need to do the active work and try very hard to see how all this is connect. 

Etude 060322 - Etude Month

This is a few choruses of a blues. 

The thing about etudes is that they are challenging in some way and you have to turn them into music and play them well.

I think if you are new at improvising then to play someone's solo is a good thing, you work on playing it well and executing the phrasing etc. If you can make it sound good then you are also doing ear training. Learning what good solos sound like. 

Here are a few choruses of a blues. In the beginning practice sight reading. Then work on the phrasing and make the solo sound good. 

Another free lesson opportunity!

Hi folks,

Just wanted to shoot a quick message to announce that there is another opportunity for a free lesson with me (Behn). Tristan won the first round by posting two of the blues etudes. Anyone else who posts a good version of two of the etudes can also receive a free 30 minute lesson. Hope to see some more posts of the etudes!

Post them on this thread;…