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Let's Comp

OK have we looked at chords and harmony enough? Not including all the other stuff on the site that would fit into this category. There's a ton now about chords and harmony. We've analyzed tunes, broken harmony down. I think we've done a lot.

So I think we should now start comping. I think more than how you solo it matters how you accompany others. In fact if I was a better soloist than you and you were a much better comper than I was and you took decent solos, I think you'd be in a better position to work than me. That is as a 4 mallet player.

Forum Topic: Grips

Which grip would you recommend for someone starting to study the vibraphone ?

There are four possibilities that I have researched:

1) Burton Grip
2) Musser-Stevens Grip
3) Ed Saindon's Fulcrum Grip
4) Ney Rosauro's Extended Cross Grip



Harvey Price - University of Delaware

I thought I'd post this video of Harvey Price. He's the percussion director at U of Delaware. Besides being a great friend, I admire how much energy he has and how much of the percussion world he tackles! From Xylo, to the pit, to the marimba, to the vibes and then the drum set he's one of those amazingly well versed players. Also he's very forward thinking, digs technology and is a great guy!!

So check him out with the Udel Faculty ensemble.

Interpreting Standards

I came across this Bill Evans clip yesterday and it made me think about the discussion of this tune a while back. I think it was on this site that someone said they thought this tune was best as a ballad, especially given the dark tone of the movie. But I actually feel that when a composition is being interpreted, it is fine to treat it purely as music and not worry about any of that. The whole point is to do something more personal with it.. This tune can be a beautiful ballad, but a lot of guys like to swing on it (check out the Frisell and Sco versions linked below as well).

Vibe Get together


I've got some of my students coming over this Sunday at about 1pm-4pm for a little get together. I thought I would open it up to any students here on the site that want to come by. I wanted my Temple students to meet my Uarts students and VW students to meet them all as well.

If you're interested email me at