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Delaware Workshop 2011 - The Woodchuckers

Right across the way from us is a GREAT xylo workshop with the great Bob Becker teaching 10 percussionists from all over the world about the world of ragtime.

Here's a piece that features a great Philly percussionist Harvey Price. He's also the head of percussion at Univ of Delaware and the reason why vibesworkshop does it's summer workshop in Delaware. Harvey Rocks and is a great friend of mine and is a great percussionist and xylo man!

Manhattan Vibes live at Birdland


Hey Everyone,

Hope you're enjoying the summer heat! And what better way to enjoy summer heat than to checkout the Manhattan Vibes at Birdland in NYC??? Here are the details:


Manhattan Vibes
Christos Rafalides: vibes
Sergio Salvatore: piano
Mike Pope: bass
Vince Cherico: drums


315 West 44th (between 8th and 9th)


Sunday, August 7, 6:00 PM

How Much?