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Forum Topic: Jenco vibes for sale

Found a very nice M55 about a half hour from home, so I am selling my Jencos.

The particulars: 3 octave, non-graduated bars, one speed motor with the three pulleys for three speeds of vibrato. The felt is ok to adequate, all of the bars are muted when the damper is up.

Upper register is a little glock-y, lower register is a little thin, middle register is actually kind of sweet.

Everything works.

It ain't a beauty, but it's alright.

$850 OBO, I will deliver anywhere within an hour of Salem MA.


Ed and Joe

Well, apparently I led a good life because the only explanation for the performance I've just seen is that I've died and gone to heaven :-). I'm just back from seeing Ed Saindon and Joe Locke perform in duo, and I'm blown away. Going with two vibraphones instead of vibes and marimba, they both got to play to their full and considerable expressiveness.

It was great to finally meet Joe in real life, and to catch up with Ed and his wife Pam. I'm really glad I could make it to the performance.

Tom P.

Forum Topic: Comping with two mallets

I see two-mallet players comping all the time, but all the instructional material calls for at least three mallets.

I've seem people hit the same note an octave apart, put a full step in between, etc. I also read about the third/seventh idea. Anyway, there are a lot of combinations in an octave that sound different. What combinations (or intervals) would best correspond to various chords?

Any tips for comping with two mallets?

Recordame Intro Chords

I've fallen in love with the tune Recordame by Joe Henderson. I can play the chords and melody for the tune nicely and can improv it acceptably too. I've transcribed the melody for the intro section off the CD and I've gottem most of the chords but there are a few that escape me.

Can anyone give me the chords for the intro section of this tune? I'd surely appreciate it.

Ed D (Goldwing)

Good Vibes August update

Hi Everyone,
Time for the Good Vibes August update -- August 7 and 10.
Scott Peters, new to the program, takes the first spot, followed by Milt Jackson, Johnny Lytle, Bill Ware, David Friedman and Cal Tjader. And that's just the first half-hour. I close out the two hours with Randy and Marianne Sutin's beautiful summer sounds, "Cicada Song."
Hope you can listen in!
Good Vibes airs on the first Sunday of the month, 8-10 pm eastern time
rebroadcast the following Wednesday, 4-6 pm eastern time
WWFM 89.1 HD2, Trenton/Princeton
WWCJ 89.1 HD2, Cape May, New Jersey