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An Interesting 4 Mallet Exercise

This is a transcription of Bach's 2 part invention no. 13. The range has been adjusted to 3 octaves so it can be played on vibes and marimba. Both parts are 90% arpeggios, so using 4 mallets will make it easier to execute the lines. You can download the manuscript [HERE]

Note to Tony: How about allowing uploads of pdf files on video posts so I don't have to keep putting in these external links to the manuscript?

Forum Topic: Guide tones.... Help!

Inspired by Tony's video on the subject, I'm working on left hand guide tone technique for solo playing. So what do you think: on a flat five chord, does playing the 3 and the b5 or playing the b5 and 7 make the most sense to your ears? To me the b5 has to be in there somewhere for the color, but both options sound odd (or maybe weak) to my ear.