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Pop/Rock tunes for solo vibes??

Let's face it, not every gig allows us to play the difficult and hip jazz tunes we all spend hours shedding. Even many of the best known standards are completely foreign (and possibly boring) to a large section of general audiences today.

So what to play for all those restaurant and casual gigs that might hire a solo vibes player as an alternative to a pianist or guitarist? It's surprising how well many tunes from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and even the 90s will translate to solo vibes. Tunes people will generally recognize and appreciate are great choices to sprinkle into your sets.

Learning Tunes

Here is a video I made today just talking about learing tunes.

I guess there are a lot of drummers on the site that already know a lot of tunes on drums, but switching to the vibes is like learning them all over again.

Here I talk about something I'll be experimenting with myself and I hope some of you guys will find this usefull.


TOTM - Intros - Days Of Wine and Roses Intro

Play the last 8 bars!

Chinese translation for Chinese students

其實這樣的Intro不只可以用在Days of Wine and Roses,最後8小節當作intro的方式,是一種很普遍演奏Intro的方式。
Aminor A7(增加色彩) \ Dminor \Bminor7b5 \Bb7(or E7) \ Aminor7 D7 \Gminor7 C7 \ FMajor7 \C13 or Calt. \

你可以模仿Tony的節奏,或者是聽出他用怎麼樣的Voicing, 或著是她加上了什麼樣的旋律線條在其中。