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Michael Pinto simple Upper Structure triads series part 3

Hey guys here is part 3 where I discuss one Upper structure triad option you can use for a V7 chord moving to a Minor i chord.
If you are in the key of C- the triad over the G7 would be Ebmaj. so a maj triad built off of the b6 scale degree.

Try it out!
Also check out part 1 and 2 of the series:


You Are What You Eat

So when I was in college I came up with this plan that really helped me. It's a little over the top, but it could be a good guide for some of us.

In school it helped me keep the music going. Even after I graduated I kept this going and it helped me, I think stay in the business.

Here it goes, first:

Ear Training: 1 hour equals 2
Practicing: 1 hour equals 1 hour
Listening: 1 hour equals 1.5 hours
Jamming and gigging: 1 hour equals 3
doing music business stuff: 1 hour equals, .5 hours
teaching: 1 hour equals 1 hour