Tritone Subs: Part I
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Hey guys here is part 3 where I discuss one Upper structure triad option you can use for a V7 chord moving to a Minor i chord.
If you are in the key of C- the triad over the G7 would be Ebmaj. so a maj triad built off of the b6 scale degree.
Try it out!
Also check out part 1 and 2 of the series:
Jimmy White spent the week as an intern for Wednesday he came to Philly from Ohio to spend the day with me and see what goes on at VW as well as try to do some lessons. Here is Jimmie's lesson on Stick Dropping.
You know what to do. Write in all the names of the chords and then play the etude.
Do etudes like this help you? At least you hear the changes and hear the tune, right?
Here's a lesson on adding deadstrokes as another color.
So when I was in college I came up with this plan that really helped me. It's a little over the top, but it could be a good guide for some of us.
In school it helped me keep the music going. Even after I graduated I kept this going and it helped me, I think stay in the business.
Here it goes, first:
Ear Training: 1 hour equals 2
Practicing: 1 hour equals 1 hour
Listening: 1 hour equals 1.5 hours
Jamming and gigging: 1 hour equals 3
doing music business stuff: 1 hour equals, .5 hours
teaching: 1 hour equals 1 hour