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Content type: Video Embed
I love this. Check out how the guitar player is comping and imagine comping like that behind someones solo. I'm working with a great latin percussionist so I'm learning a ton about the music (again). I've been checking out Changui music…
13 years 5 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Audio Player
My mentor said when you practice one thing you're practicing everything. That's so true. When we look at things we're studying we can probably see many things we're getting out that one thing. In this exercise here's a way to study Lines,…
4 months 2 weeks ago - 2 comments
Content type: Video Embed
Ok, I turned the camera on and decided to talk about practicing when you don't have loads of time. Then I discovered I could talk and play for about 20 minutes, so I drift off a little, but this might be of help to some of you. TJ
13 years 5 months ago - 7 comments
Content type: Audio Player
Here's part one of the series Solo Playing Techniques. There is a lesson plan that will containing the whole series as it grows. Also check my online book.
13 years 5 months ago - 5 comments
Content type: Images
This instrument is for sale: 2000.00 and can be seen in the Dallas area. This frame but with silver bars tuned to A442 and M55 arched resonators. I don't have a photo of it with those features but they are both in "new" condition. The…
13 years 5 months ago - 18 comments
Drake's Hands
Content type: Images
13 years 5 months ago - 1 comments
Content type: Images
Cop this lick. You know the line itself has all the information we need. No need for chords here, right? But if you get good at comping with just the left hand, that is playing double stops on the fly, you can add the 4 mallet "vibe". Just…
13 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Blog entry
I found this clip on youtube introducing a new vibe design called a tri-chromatic vibraphone. The keyboard layout is radically different from anything I've ever seen. Check it out. Ted
13 years 5 months ago - 8 comments
Content type: Video Embed
This is me playing Kai Stensgaard's brilliant "Concerto Mexicana" The Piece is in Three movements. The second and third movement can be found here:…
13 years 5 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Audio Player
I was inspired by Steve Shapiro's post today (see link, above), to play a tune originally performed on Rhodes electric piano, "Just the Way You Are" by Billy Joel. I just spent a couple hours on it tonight, but wanted to post what I had…
13 years 5 months ago - 5 comments
Content type: Audio Player
This is me working through some things on Giant Steps with some friends. Joe Doubleday- Vibraphone Yonatan Marianer- Bass Angelo Spampinato- Drums Let me know what you think. I feel like, after listening to this, I should take bigger…
13 years 5 months ago - 5 comments
Content type: Video Embed
i dug frits' solo!
12 years 9 months ago - 3 comments
Content type: Blog entry
This is to anyone who might be interested: After considerable experimentation I've concluded that one way of playing vibes while seated is to use a hydraulic barstool and raise it to a point where the keyboard is slightly below the…
13 years 5 months ago - 12 comments
Content type: Blog entry
Tony demonstrates different approaches to playing over rhythm changes. We saw a lot of this at the workshop in Delaware.
13 years 5 months ago - 9 comments
Content type: Event
Hi Everyone- Just a quick and hopefully not-too-late notice that my vibes-centric trio is playing in NYC tomorrow night at La Lanterna/the Bar Next Door. I have other bands in which my time is split between vibes and other instruments, but…
13 years 5 months ago - 3 comments
Content type: Event
Here is Fritz Landesbergen playing When You Wish Upon A Star on the new machine, sorry about the background, enjoy John
13 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Story
I have a series on modes inside the subscription part of the site. One of the subscribers asked for names of tunes in different modes. So I thought I'd ask all you guys. So Phrygian, name some tunes that are Phrygian. You can also name…
13 years 5 months ago - 7 comments
Content type: Event
Here is the link to the interview, please ignore the camera going in and out of focus its an automatic thing, I have put all the info on You Tube with the video. There is background noise but that is unavoidable in these circumstance as…
13 years 5 months ago - 10 comments
Content type: Story
Some pics from Frankfurt Fair 2011 John
13 years 5 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Images
The springs on the strings have always been a pain. They scratch the bars in transit and take forever to change when your string wears out. This way, you don't need springs and you can get the string as tight or lose as you like in less…
13 years 5 months ago - 15 comments
Content type: Images
Ok so here it is the first pics of the carbon vibe, I have also done a video which I will put up as well explaining the setup in an interview with Nico. What a day it has been. Hope you like the pics. Of course all comments are welcome.…
13 years 5 months ago - 4 comments
Content type: Forum topic
Where have you guys played? I'm trying to play out more so i'm wondering what obscure (and not obscure) venues everyone has played at. Plus i think it'd just be interesting to hear. thanks
13 years 5 months ago - 1 comments
Content type: Blog entry
I was just thinking about Dim's ability to process criticism without ego and turn it into immediate positive results. Of course it's a credit to him as a passionate musician/student(But isn't that what we are? Musicians and life long…
13 years 5 months ago - 17 comments
Content type: Blog entry
The conversation that recently took place regarding improvising on the blues has given me food for thought for a blog. I think intellectualizing music through analysis is a good thing if fully understood. The process of analyzing music…
13 years 5 months ago - 4 comments
Content type: Audio Player
13 years 5 months ago - 13 comments
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