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Mallet Hardness and Overtones - a visualization

The tool I used for this (Insight) is part of Izotope's mastering suite of software. This is not its normal use, but it provides a nice visualization of acoustic energy in real time across the frequency spectrum. Something went awry with the way that Quicktime did the screen capture, so by the end of the video, the waveforms are appearing significantly later and out of sync with the sound, but you will be able to still associate them and see the differing harmonic content. The frequency is represented along the bottom of the graph.

Moose the Mooche Chord Melody

I'm always wondering how to play a busy bebop tune and add chords.

I also don't think we have to play a lot of chords with a busy melody as busy melodies usually have a lot of information in them.

So I tried here to simply add only notes for the function of making sure the harmony was clear. I personally like this sound a lot.

Try to play it and see what you think.


Playing ballads is always a challenge; phrasing and tempo are crucial for expressing a song's essence. Fortunately, we can draw upon the way vocalists confront this for guidance. Billie Holiday, one of my favorites, recorded and performed a Duke Ellington classic, "Solitude", throughout her career. Here's my take on it.


Moon River (from hang with Joe and Gustavo)

"Moon River" - Solo version from a hang with Joe Locke and Gustavo Agatiello. We’ve had quite a few of these weekend sessions and for me they have been so much fun, informative and inspirational. We can spend at least eight hours a day in the studio, come up for lunch and dinner, and then go back down to the laboratory, as Joe calls it, to play and talk about music. Lots of laughs along the way too.