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Hi! I am urgently looking for a K & K Midi Vibe Wizard (the midi master interface) for an old 25 pin K & K audio pickup system. Unfortunately, I know that this product is discontinued so I have to buy one used. I hope to have a swift and positive response. Thank you very much!



tonymiceli Fri, 10/12/2012 - 14:01

there were so few of them made. i went through 4 of them. they were quirky.

now nico vanderPlas has a midi system i think for sale now. he's a heavy cat with a huge brain, so this most likely is a rockin' system.

Luca Tue, 10/16/2012 - 08:22

In reply to by tonymiceli

Thanks for the reply Tony! I'm honored to chat with you: I'm your fan! Would you sell one of those four units? :) If it's possible I would not throw the old pickups/rails. I know the Nico's system. I don't know if it's possibile to use his converter with my rails

urbanovibe Wed, 01/02/2013 - 23:34

In reply to by Luca

Luca, k&k is advising returning midi customers to get a signal processor that, acording to them, is as good or better than their old Midi system. It's also cheaper than the midi system by vanderPlas. Take a look at it at


tonymiceli Thu, 01/03/2013 - 00:12

In reply to by urbanovibe

except it's not a midi system. right? just saying, it's a signal processor, so it's actually quite different then a midi system.

i'm not standing up for nico's system. i actually don't think there are any systems that work these days.

the kk midi system was great. it would work great for a bit then go nuts. like i said i went through 4 of them! too bad!

i think if you want sounds the best solution IMHO is the malletKat
