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Content type: Book page
Performances of Gary Playing over the years.
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Book page
Stories from Gary's travels and career on the vibraphone: awesome!
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Panel
Gary talks about Duke Ellington
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Images
An old poster from a Gary Burton Concert. John Keene told me it's on sale for about $400 bucks, if anyone is interested.
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Photo Album
Content type: Book page
Photo's from Gary's tavels.
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Images
A Cool Ad that Gustavo posted - Tony Miceli
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Images
A mallet ensemble Gary played with as a child. Really a great photo. I wonder how many of them went on to be mallet players? - Tony Miceli
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Images
Found this on the net. - Tony Miceli
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Images
This is a pretty big marimba group! I can't imagine anything like this today with young students! - Tony Miceli
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Video Embed
Hello people, this is a composition by Ney Rosauro, I hope you enjoy it.
12 years 8 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Story
Hello everyone, if anyone is interested in writing an article for the Percussive Arts Society magazine Percussive Notes, please contact me for details. It can be on any topic related to the vibraphone and marimba like technique, improv…
12 years 8 months ago - 7 comments
Content type: Video Upload
12 years 8 months ago - 4 comments
All about Gary Burton
Content type: Book page
| Get all info on Gary and from Gary (videos, audios, thoughts, stories and memories) on his Pro Corner, here:
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Gary Gibson
Content type: Book page
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
David Friedman
Content type: Book page
| David Friedman gives a huge contribution to our community: by his presence on the site, encouragements, advices, lessons, through his Dampening & Pedaling book we are studdying with him, and through the workshops (US and Europe)…
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Book page
| Here are all info about David on the site: - His pro corner: - His performances: - Here is the Dampening & Pedaling section:…
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Felix Martinz
Content type: Book page
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Fats Sadi
Content type: Book page
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Dick Sisto
Content type: Book page
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Blog entry
Everybody wish Marie-Noëlle a happy birthday!! Happy Birthday Marie!! Cu soon! TJ
12 years 8 months ago - 11 comments
Content type: Audio Player
Ok, the noise of the instrument is deliberate. That's the sleigh bells. The plane flying overhead was coordinated. That's people coming home for Christmas!! Ha ha, I'm on a very tiny island. You should see the airport. Huge jets take off…
12 years 8 months ago - 11 comments
Improv Site
ed saindon
Content type: Story
Hey guys, ran across this site recently. Has some good improv related topics and put together pretty nicely with related videoclips. Here's the link:… Ed
12 years 8 months ago - 1 comments
Content type: Book page
| Here are Dan's performances links (updated 12/27/11): - Smudge: - Law & Order:
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Book page
| Here are Christos' performances links (updated 12/27/11): - Sta Akra: - All the Things you are: - Kezia: - Ela Konta:…
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Christos Rafalides
Content type: Book page
12 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
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