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Content type: Video Upload
Oops I think I posted Part 2 without Part 1, so here it is! - Tony
14 years 1 month ago - 1 comments
Content type: Video Upload
14 years 1 month ago - 1 comments
Content type: Forum topic
I got a CD recently- "Swing Valses d'hier et d'ayjord'hui" by a manouche guitarist named Baro Ferret, recorded in France in 1966. All 12 tracks are manouche waltzes! Geo Dali played vibes- pretty nice sounding stuff! I heard a lot of…
14 years 1 month ago - 0 comments
Content type: Video Embed
12 years 10 months ago - 4 comments
Content type: Story
It's funny who you meet online! I met a person on youtube (Holyhell937)(Does this mean there are another 936 people who have used Holyhell as their youtube name???). He seems to be in high school, or junior high. I dug our brief dialogue…
14 years 1 month ago - 8 comments
Content type: Story
Help me name tunes or parts of tunes that are Dorian in sound. Ha ha, I got the first one. 'So What'. Oh, here's another. The first to chords of Recordame. Add on to this list please!
14 years 1 month ago - 23 comments
Content type: Forum topic
This morning I was reading through Steve Kahn's analysis of a Michael Becker solo and became so ill from anxiety that I almost lost my cookies. Do I have enough time to learn such a vast subject matter? It's scary to think that even…
14 years 1 month ago - 11 comments
Content type: Audio Player
A quick little podcast to accompany my new etude 'holyhell937'. The etude can be found under check this out.
13 years 4 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Video Embed
F Blues with left hand comping along with soloing with the right hand. Dedicated to one of my favorite pianists in this type of style (with left hand comping four to the bar), Dave McKenna.
14 years 1 month ago - 30 comments
Content type: Blog entry
YES, RIGHT NOW Wednesday on you can see BRYAN CARROT playing with the Ed Cherry Trio GO THERE NOW and see one of the superb vibraphonists now until 12:30 EST tonight WWW.SMALLSJAZZCLUB.COM BruceW
14 years 1 month ago - 3 comments
Content type: Video Embed
14 years 1 month ago - 38 comments
Content type: Audio Player
I was supposed to be practicing, but was fooling around instead, and came up with this little pattern. I decided to make an Etude out of it. There is some rhythm permutations (is that the word?), inspired by Behn's VW Etude No. 1, and…
14 years 1 month ago - 6 comments
Content type: Audio Player
Here's a track from a recent gig I did with Elio Villafranca.
12 years 9 months ago - 3 comments
Content type: Images
this is not vibes related but more for drummers on the site. I am in the process of restoring an old Premier shell set 12x8 16x16 20x14 which I acquired at no cost. They had a white covering on them which I managed to remove without…
14 years 1 month ago - 0 comments
Content type: Audio Player
Me and Mark playing through Chi Chi, trying to work on some tempo problems we were talking about!
12 years 10 months ago - 5 comments
Django - MJQ
Content type: Video Embed
Check out Milt's solo!
12 years 9 months ago - 1 comments
Content type: Video Upload
Work hard on the modes. They are the foundation of the line!!
7 years 4 months ago - 3 comments
Content type: Video Upload
14 years 1 month ago - 3 comments
Content type: Blog entry
Hmmm... About a week ago, I thought oh man, what's tj up to. He seemed a little over the top and a little too gun ho. You know as the cat who runs the site, you have to be really careful about things, what you say and what you do.…
14 years 1 month ago - 3 comments
Content type: Story
Here are a bunch of lessons already up on the site based on the tune, My Romance. These items are supplemental to our TOTM studies.
14 years 1 month ago - 0 comments
My Romance
Content type: Book page
Here are all the lessons from our TOTM, 'My Romance'.
14 years 1 month ago - 0 comments
Content type: Blog entry
Everyone: I've been communicating with Tony and here's what we came up with for the Tune-of-the-Month Group (TOTM): First week: • Find and listen to 3 versions of the tune. You may have to buy them. Don’t just get them off YouTube. This…
14 years 1 month ago - 0 comments
Content type: Blog entry
The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article on the modern business of writing song lyrics. See…. Tom P.
14 years 1 month ago - 0 comments
Content type: Blog entry
At the Delaware Workshop the first week in August, a number of the participants decided that they'd like to put into action some of the things they learned. To do this, it was suggested that a group of us work on a "tune a month" concept.…
14 years 1 month ago - 39 comments
Content type: Blog entry
I busted Mario's chops all through the workshop in Delaware for a good discount for anyone who came to the workshop. Mario finally agreed to $425 dollars off the price! I begged him to extend that to ALL VW members and he agreed. So if…
14 years 1 month ago - 3 comments
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