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As requested a video of my old jenco vibraphone. I really like the sound on this old beast. It is extremely challenging to play a piece like this on it however because the bars are so tiny.
12 years 10 months ago - 7 comments
Content type: Blog entry
I just got back from Tony's course in Ireland and I want to take a minute to write about the experience. The first thing that struck me was that Tony has an excellent teaching manner, not threatning, informative, patient and personable. He…
14 years 1 month ago - 4 comments
Content type: Forum topic
Why don't you guys post your mode of transportation and then estimated time of arrival. If you want post your flight numbers (or email) and airline. I have a flight program in my phone, I can track you guys (even tell where you are in the…
14 years 1 month ago - 23 comments
Content type: Blog entry
Other than mallets what do I need to bring to the workshop in Delaware? Real Book? Manuscript paper? I thought I would put this up as a blog entry in case anyone else coming to the Delaware workshop was wondering too?
14 years 1 month ago - 5 comments
Content type: Forum topic
I have troubles figuring out how to play small intervals in the mid range. For example: Starting on C3 play ascending major thirds chromatically with the left hand. There are three places which require a circus contortionist. D-F# A#-C# B-…
14 years 1 month ago - 16 comments
Content type: Video Embed
Hello everyone, Here's a version of an old classic played with a four to the bar feel reminiscent of such pianists as Dave McKenna, Teddy Wilson, Errol Garner and George Shearing. I have a lot of fun playing these kinds of tunes in this…
12 years 10 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Video Upload
Listen to Ludvig, you'll hear that he's been checking bebop and the language!!
12 years 10 months ago - 3 comments
Content type: Video Upload
Antonio is a timpanist from spain who is working on his vibe playing. To me he has a solid foundation, as I think you'll hear. It was great to work with him! I think it's good for you guys to check all these players out from around the…
12 years 10 months ago - 1 comments
Content type: Video Embed
Guys, Nick Mancini is my latest Face Book friend. I came across this recent video of him and just went: wow!!! That guy can swing!! Enjoy, - M
12 years 6 months ago - 7 comments
Content type: Audio Player
On my way to work this morning this tune came up on my iPod. I hadn't heard it in a while and it blew me away again just like the first time -- I had to listen to it again (and again, 5 times total I think :-)). This was from a thing…
14 years 1 month ago - 9 comments
Boiling It Down
Content type: Blog entry
I realized after a week of teaching that if I had to boil all this down to a couple sentences, It would be the following: Do something Make it into something Create a finished product and present it That seems to be the theme of this week…
14 years 1 month ago - 3 comments
Content type: Forum topic
Does anybody have access to Gary Potters article entitled "Analyzing Improvised Jazz"? Can you suggest other works of this nature written by players? I don't have access to any of the College Music Society publications. tia, -Todd
14 years 1 month ago - 4 comments
Content type: Forum topic
Hi all, I am thinking about/planning my December/holiday radio show ("Good Vibes") and am looking for jazz with vibes appropriate to the Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa season. Any ideas? I've got a few, looking for more. This program will…
14 years 1 month ago - 6 comments
Content type: Forum topic
Hey guys! I came here about 5 months ago for some help with finding an internship and after how amazing that was I'm back for some help in creating a class for myself. I'm looking to learn Jazz Theory from a few books. I've worked things…
14 years 1 month ago - 8 comments
Content type: Images
14 years 1 month ago - 0 comments
More Lessons!
Content type: Blog entry
More Lessons are coming, as soon as I get back. I have more from Behn and some from me as well. I'm just too far from my other mac! I'm home monday. But I'm sure there's more than enough stuff here to keep you guys busy until then!
14 years 1 month ago - 0 comments
Content type: Images
I set this instrument up today and it hit me. It's a Premiere. Here's a photo of the instrument: This is easier to set up than the M55. It sounds great and is a little smaller. That means it will fit…
14 years 1 month ago - 9 comments
Content type: Images
Part 2 of the Ireland workshop. I have a fantastic group of adult musician. I'm amazed at the level of musicianship here. I think they must have a great music program in the schools here, because of the musicianship. I also have a couple…
14 years 1 month ago - 3 comments
Content type: Blog entry
What's great about a workshop, I'm realizing is the concentration of it all. Everybody is out of their environment and together for one reason and that's to talk about the vibes. That was the last four days. Everybody made progress in…
14 years 1 month ago - 4 comments
Content type: Images
Keith is from the UK and his name on VW is Northernvibes
14 years 1 month ago - 12 comments
Content type: Blog entry
I found this video on Ed Mann's Facebook page this morning of a performance by the CalArts Percussion Ensemble. Nice piece and performance. Click here for the video. Tom P.
14 years 1 month ago - 4 comments
Content type: Video Upload
We were working on some modal ideas!
12 years 10 months ago - 10 comments
Content type: Images
A Serious Photo for Premiere. Premiere helped with the workshop this year. Thanks Premiere!
14 years 2 months ago - 3 comments
Content type: Images
What we really do at vibe hangs!
14 years 2 months ago - 1 comments
Content type: Video Upload
Written By Howard Levy
12 years 10 months ago - 19 comments
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