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South Pole Bound

Sitting here in the fire house - McMurdo Station, Antarctica with fingers crossed that our plane (LC 130) gets fixed in time to leave for the south pole tonight at 23:00 (in about 3 hours from now). Just amazing. Anxious, excited, very tired from an earlier call today. Working all day and now it looks like we just might be leaving for the very bottom of the Earth. My first trip to the Pole. What will it be like? My Antarctic Vibraphone is already there, waiting for me.

Song For My Father Etude For Meliza

Write the chords in.

Play the etude.

Can you improvise your own version of this?

Do you know the scales?

Quarter notes are great for practicing improv, because you have to play each beat but you also have a lot of time to think.

Can you put chords in? Do you have the chords memorized?

This is a quick and dirty etude. If there are any glaring mistakes let me know.