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Dave Samuel's solo on "Recordame"

This is a solo on Joe Henderson's "Recordame" that Dave recorded for me in a lesson when I was studying with him at Berklee most likely in '73. He played this in the lesson unaccompanied and I had taped the lesson and transcribed it after. It's probably on a cassette somewhere but I can't locate it. Anyways, it's a great display of Dave's playing at that time and shows a high level command of language, nice improv concepts and his strong time feel.

Grown Up Tempos

Fast tempos are hard, slow tempos are hard. I think tempos are hard period.

I spend so much time playing and recording and checking the feel and the tempo. Sometimes it's 3 hours later and I'm on the same tune looking for a take that I think is acceptable. Where the time seems to be ok.

I love playing by myself and trying to make a piece of music. Check out Peter Bernstein's solo guitar album. Well and check out my solo vibes album. Both are on Itunes. I think for some musicians it's really something to work towards; playing alone and playing well. And playing time.